

俚语 pulling a dave

Pulling a Dave

To fail miserably at the hands of a younger sibling.
Having not bested his little brother since Obama was president, UCF was really pulling a Dave.

Pulling a Dave

When a person makes plans with friends but cancels at the last minute with a very lame excuse.
Girl 1: "Hey, I can't wait to see to Dave today for our lunch get together".
Girl 2: "Oh he called me and has to reschedule because the earth blew up and he fell asleep"
Girl 2: "Great, so he is Pulling a Dave Again"

Pulling a Dave

When a person is quiet or only responds with simple quips or acknowledgements, such as “oh yeah” or “huh” when Rick is talking.
Rick was talking away about something he had repeated 4 times so I was to pulling a Dave when I said oh yeah

Pulling a Dave

Doing something that is really stupid. Or just being a stupid person. Trust me we all know them.
Andy: Do your work man, you need it to pass.
Dave: No i'm gonna watch power rangers.
Andy: ...
Dave: It's morphing time!
Andy: Thats just pulling a Dave.
Dave: Your just pulling a Dave.
Andy: ...

Pulling a Dave

When someone acts like they know shit
Aw he was just acting like he knows shit. He's just pulling a Dave.

Pulling a Dave

The social devolution that occurs after meeting a partner who does not let you see, nor speak to one's friends.
Dave enjoyed going to the pub and going out with friends. Then he met a witch called Victoria. She cast a spell on him, and now Dave is not capable of speaking to his friends any more. We can't see him anymore, he is pulling a Dave.

pulling a dave

When someone projects vomit onto another ones stairs or other common walkway in a house.
Usually occurs after consuming large amounts of alcohol.
Makes a huge mess to be cleaned up by the stair-owner but creates a great story to be told the following day.
guy 1: Omg that was an awesome party last night
guy 2: ya, except Kyle kept pulling a Dave all night!

girl: "Wow, that guy is pulling a Dave!"
guy: "Haha, that is huge!"
girl: "Braeden isnt going to be very happy to clean up that mountain of puke."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:20:37