

俚语 pulling a hunter

Pulling a hunter

Making a horrible joke, or saying something completely retarded in response to a normal statement.
John:God , I forgot to eat lunch.. im so hungry.

Tom: Lunch comes in the middle of the day.

Fred: WOW DUDE! way to go, you always find a way of pulling a hunter... idiot.

Pulling A Hunter

Here's the steps of pulling a hunter
1. He texts a girl out of boredom.
2. he and girl begins to flirt over text.
3. Girl has great time, but believe it or not, he texts other girls the same thing!
4. He asks for photo of girl.
5. Girl sends photo. He sends one in return.
6. Guy stops texting girl. She wonders what happened.

7. Girl misses him, so when hunter texts her again, she repeats the cycle of 1-5
So I was pulling a hunter last night by asking this girl for a hot photo of her, and I didn't text her back after that.

you pulled a hunter

when you are really dumb and try something but you can never talk with people because you arent social
When you try to ask out a girl but you choke, you pulled a hunter.

Pulling a Hunter

When one is outside looking for themselves with lanterns
Hunter is pulling a Hunter again. He is outside searching for himself with lanterns.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:20:06