

俚语 pulling a swifty

pulling a swifty

Australian slang - to intentionally deceive another person
I reckon that bloke was pulling a swifty when he said the dog was only two years old

Pull A Swiftie

When a broken hearted person (usually the scorned female) writes a song to sham their ex and make them sound like a total piece of shit or worse.
Perry : Yo Harry, I heard Tay's writing a new song 😀
Harry : Dude, she totally wants to pull a swiftie

Pull A Swiftie

When a male or female pops up, sleeps with everything in their capacity over a short period of time then vanishes from the public eye, only to pop up in another village/town/city/continent having written numerous songs/poems/Facebook updates/general gobbing off about the lacklustre performance of their previous lovers, before repeating the cycle again.....and again.
Pull A Swiftie

"Have you seen that new bit of totty that has moved in to Peckham Road.... Phwooooaaaar!!!"

"Stay well clear mate, rumour has it that she Pull(ed) a Swiftie in her last town......"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:00:02