

俚语 pumpkin patching

Pumpkin Patching

The act of anal scissoring.
John: I walked in on Linda and Amy Pumpkin patching last night

Jake: Damn son

Linda: Don't even ask how hard it was to get into position.

Pumpkin Patching

The art of search for a pumpkin for the fall season in a pumpkin patch.
I'm going pumpkin patching with my family to find the perfect pumpkin.

pumpkin patch

A cluster of overly-tanned or fake-tanned people who never leave the cluster
Check out that pumpkin patch all the way at the top of the bleachers

Pumpkin Patch

A red head's pubic area.
"Put your names on these because sharing a protective cup is how you get Crabs. And trust me, you don't want to spend your Sunday afternoon picking through your pumpkin patch with a little comb."

Pumpkin Patch

An unwanted patch of zits on the forehead.
Dang it! I have a pumpkin patch!

Pumpkin Patch

A place plentiful in homosexuals. Meant as an endearing term.
The Castro is a total pumpkin patch.

pumpkin patch

A gigantic flock of people with ugly ass fake tans. They look orange, like Donald Trump, possibly worse.
Look at that pumpkin patch of ugly ass cheerleaders.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:36:41