<noun | \\ ˈpə-nish‐ˈkā-shən>
When a law enforcement officer(or other civil servant or authority figure) receives paid leave (or vacation) as a form of punishment* for a horrific crime.
*usually in some sort of PR thing to placate the media whilst giving a silent blue-line attaboy to the offending party
When a law enforcement officer(or other civil servant or authority figure) receives paid leave (or vacation) as a form of punishment* for a horrific crime.
*usually in some sort of PR thing to placate the media whilst giving a silent blue-line attaboy to the offending party
Did you see how that cop killed insert name of unarmed citizen for NO REASON?
YEAH, all he got was "punishcation".
He'll be 'policing' again in insert random amount of time
YEAH, all he got was "punishcation".
He'll be 'policing' again in insert random amount of time