

俚语 purple turtle

purple turtle

to squeeze the penis till it turns purple, then pull your fist outward as if a turtle head going into the shell.
Tom is gonna go home and make his purple turtle puke.

purple turtle

When you have to go to take a shit so badly that you choke the turtle on its way out - making it purple.
John: Code brown.
Sally: Do you really have to go that bad?
John: Damn right, I've got a purple turtle.

purple turtle

Squeezing the penis in a vagina so hard it turns purple.
Dee gave Dustin a purple turtle, so he thanked her and gave her a buck.

purple turtle

is when your balls are so shrivalled and hard like the shell of a turtle (if white) and go a light purple colour
when u get un changed and its cold and your balls are hard and look like the shell of a turtle = purple turtle

purple turtle

wen i put mi penus n2 anuter seksi dooidz ass, he SQUEEZEZ REEL HRAD onut adn it coms ot lookin pruple. mmm,,, i wsih dante wud giv me a pruple turdotl. ^_^
kill me plz.

Fat Purple Turtle

1. A person of considerable anoyance; someone that casues you to become very angry, upset or agitated asshole
2. A large animal of the tortiose family which grows to be between 45 and 65 lbs and is distiguished by its purplish tint
3. A really bad teacher
4. If you are either 1 or 3, then you. If not, I am sure you know at least one fat purple turtle
Dude, Mr H. is such a Fat Purple Turtle! I sware, he didn't even read my aper but he still have me a B+, what the hell!

purple turtle

The way a penis looks/feels after an extended time away from a woman.
After this deployment, My junk feels and looks like a purple turtle because I haven't had any action.




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