

俚语 purposcuity


The act of, whereby common, ordinary, run o' the mill, every-other- commonday, garden variety, bottom feedin' hos (not gender specific), having been led to inadvertently be convinced what they was doin' wuhdn't trashy to begin with, and also getting turned out in the game, suntem god-awfully, do hereby go on thinkin that a re-order of any undefined, unregulated, unagreed upon notion of backin' out sed game, for a more legitimately offer, so as to strike it descently in life (riches may/maynot be included, get to almost believe that they're, somehow, not a waste of oxygen.
Bailey has purposcuity enhancement grandier. She thinks she can have a legit business now. I almost wonder how long it's been since her last, "ass-in-the-air" beez wax associate was tested for pustuals. But not really.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:10:07