

俚语 purse dog

purse dog

a small dog such as a chihuahua that is often carried around in a purse or handbag by celebrities like Paris Hilton
In the movie "Legally Blonde" Reese Witherspoon had a purse dog named Brewster.

purse dog

a male (usually) in a relationship with a sugar mama. so called because you keep that nigga in pocket, next to your wallet; layin on a bed of spare change, uncomfortable as shit.
Her new boyfriend was a total purse dog, she bought him everything and he lives at her house.

Purse dog

Someone that claims to be more fiery when they grow up.
The purse dog might have been laughable as a kid (with nicknames like mouth of the south coming from both other kids and adults) but he/she spent his/her entire life trying to turn the tables and get revenge on the Goliaths of his/her youth, gathering marauders for support.




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