

俚语 pussivity


a level of acting beyond the usual expected wimpy or pussy manner that gives rise to a needed term to properly identify the heightened level of wimpness.
He will not reach out to the other party due to his increased level of pussivity that is beyond his normal pussy self.


the act of being sexually passive; pussive aggressive
Mr. Limerick was acting so pussive tonight as Alicia made sexual advances at him and he denied her that pleasure.


When a girls pussy smells like mustard
-Man, my finger smells like mustard.
--You've been fingerin that nasty girl with the pussivitis, haven't ya??

pussive aggressive

Behavioral condition marked by the subject grabbing female genitalia without owner permission.
Yes, Mr. Donald can get rather pussive aggressive.
If a chick clears you on one pussive aggressive move, doesn't mean you get a lifetime pass.

pussive agressive

Someone that is too pussy to deal with life's shit head on. Instead they always take cheap shots, and the easy way out, instead of buckling down and facing reality like a man.
"wes, I dont think stabbing your little brother in the back is going to solve any of your problems your so pussive agressive".
"bullshit dude watch"

-throws unsuspecting little brother down a flight of stairs, to later have his ass whooped at a party for being so gay".

Pussive Agressive

That bi-polar bitch that wants to fuck you but on the outside, she wants to suck you.
You Pussive Agressive bitch. Sign this pre-nup.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:03:18