

俚语 pussy baby

Pussy Baby

A cheap variation of the insult "female genitalia" started by three financially pathetic, white liberal lesbians in the New Orleans region. The fourth founding member's sexual identity is still under question.

The term originally became prominent in gay porn flicks of the late 1970s in western Canada, but has been recently making a comeback which is (partially) due to the trio's lack of wit.
Why won't he f*ck me? He's such a pussy baby. Fag

ass-pussy baby

A baby that is conceived via anal sex gone wrong. When the semen is ejaculated into the asshole it inadvertently drips down and enters the vagina, resulting in the conception of a baby.
Marisa's child was an ass-pussy baby

Post Baby Pussy

A term for an overstretched, overused vagina that has resulted from the delivery of one or more children.
"Stay away from that old lady my, she has a Post Baby Pussy.

Finna cop that pussy baby

When you're so deeply in love with a girl, you finna cop that pussy (Baby).
"I'm finna cop that pussy baby"

pussy baby ball hair

YouTuber Quackity in a talent show sees this user
“Your a PBH looking bitch”
“pussy baby ball hair”

pussy baby ball pregnant

random ass thing to say in a sentence as fast as possible to make them as uncomfortable as possible, that originally came from the Extra Crispy video "Omegle... but it's horrific deleted scenes" when HyperNovaPuma, the best person in the mome boys btw, was forced to say it by Suda, another person of the group.
"Yo how you doin" "good, how are you?" "pussy baby ball pregnant amazing dude" and keeps repeating




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:35:43