

俚语 pussy back

Pussy Back

A major loser. Someone that sucks at life. An epic fail at anything they do.
That guy is such a pussy back! He is able to ruin a wet dream!

Pussy-Back Ride

A sexual act wherein a guy gives a naked girl a piggy back ride, rubbing her pussy up and down his bumpy spine.
“Dude I can’t believe he gave a her a Pussy-Back Ride I didn’t know they were freaky like that.”

“I heard he gave her a Pussy-Back Ride if you know what I mean…”

Pussy back bitch

A person who is afraid to get with a girl because he is with his bros or a person who won't do fun shit because they are afraid they will get in trouble.
Garret Puhl is a pussy back bitch because he is pussy shy.

pussy talk back

queef, pussy fart, where you fuck a girl and get air inside the pussy then it queefs, thus fa da pussy be talkin back
i hit her from the back and made the pussy talk back

Back Pussy

The asshole of a male. Closest thing to a pussy he has.
Borat: Hows my back pussy?
- Moist

Back Pussy

Kate is a freak she always wants it in her back pussy.

back pussy

(when a female bends over)-The view of her vagina from behind.(the "money shot" in most adult magazines)
Damn Kelly has a really nice ass,but her back pussy looks even better.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:48:52