

俚语 pussy balls

Pussy Balls

Someone who is a bitch or someone who is very much disliked
oh that kid matt keefe is pussy balls

Pussy Balls

The act of getting a cat tossed at your balls/nuts.
Me and my friend played a friendly game of Pussy Balls.


Basketball. I mean come on you touch someone and its a foul. WTF?
WTF kind of foul is reaching? This is pussy-ball.


Similar to the phenomenon known as blue balls, but much more severe.Caused by an hour long arousal of the P-E-N-I-S without the cool finish.

(Jack): I was fooling around with Lauren in her parents bed for several hours the other night, but I never got to penetrate and blow my load!!! I went home at 4 a.m with a hard stick and no-pussie-balls... It hurt so bad I almost wept.

(Joe): Ah that sucks buddy! Next time go see a hooker.

(Jack: Nah, I think I'll just hook up with Lauren's little sister instead.

Pussy No Balls

When someone is to afraid to do something, or doesn't do something that could be considered fun.
Person 1: Are you going to ask her out?

Person 2: Nah I don't think so.

Person 1: Don't be a 'Pussy No Balls'

No Ball Pussy Loser

"NBPL", from the movie out cold. Refers to someone who is a bitch or is acting like one.
Steve: "Why is John alone watching Bruce with JD and coke in the other room when Brooke wants him so bad."
Alex: "Cuz John is king of the no ball pussy losers."

pussy, dick, and balls

The three places on the human body that like to be sucked on the most. Also used to describe to the extent that something sucks.
Michael: Hey Laura, have you made any money off your tables today?
Laura: No, my tips have sucked pussy, dick, and balls today.




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