

俚语 pussy chained

Pussy Chained

Worst than being pussy whipped, to practically be living property of the pussy, when your girl is more like your mother and prevents you from doing any kind of activities with the homies.
Wow wish we could hangout with our homie, but we can't cause he so pussy chained.

pussy chain

A masterbatory act in which a girl has anal with the tail pipe of a running car while simultaneously pulling a chain out of he wet vagina.
Did you see that chick doing the pussy chain at the race last night?

pussy on the chain wax

Derived from Key and Peele. Essentially replaces "going hard" or "getting turnt up".
Joe: "Hey man, are we still on for tonight?"
Rick: "Hell yeah, bro! We gunna put the pussy on the chain wax."

Steve: "Golly, Craig! Last night was epic!"
Craig: "No man, you were epic! You put the pussy on the chain wax!"

pussy on the chain wax

Putting the “pussy on the chain wax” was initially popularized by Key and Peele, and yada, yada… Look. There are some rumors that the phrased preexisted the famous comedic sketch of the two comics, but if we were to seriously argue if that’s true and where it came from, we would be putting the pussy on the chain wax.

The definition of the phrase actually comes later on through the bit itself, when Keegan Michael Key describes how he lost his job and his girlfriend left him that day, and all he wants is to have some fun, which he pursues through repeating the phrase “put the pussy on the chain wax” again and again, trying, as correctly Jordan Peele concludes just prior to, make a “thing” happen, which is of course to popularize a phrase by putting it out there and let it “conjure” a meaning by the means of crowd sourcing alone.

Thus, after that fine piece of comedic work that caustically criticizes how some of the most popular, non sensical phrases of our time are made, and how, if you try to test them through logic the only thing you going to achieve is to kill the good mood of a whole group of people who are having fun and connect through humor, based on the experience of collaboration, the only fitting definition for the phrase seems to be exactly that. Simply put, “Put the pussy on the chain wax” means doing something counterproductive that will lead others into loss of sympathy/respect/trust/bonding/reliance on your person.
-How did Keegan Michael Key lost his job and his girlfriend at the same day in that one Key and Peele sketch?
-Men, he kept putting the pussy on the chain wax all day long…

-Really? Oh, man… Wait… What does that mean?

Putting pussy on the chain

When you force a girl to marry you, then instead of wedding bells at the wedding you hear whips and chains. You then chain the bride naked to a cross and sexually whip the shit out of her, followed by a projectile cum-shot to her left eye.
Tomorrow I'm going to be putting pussy on the chain with that bitch from Walmart

pussy on the chain wax

Doing something so impressive that you awe all females in the vicinity so much that they all go get their pussy waxed in order to be presentable for you.
Man 1: Yo, I won that fight with a single punch, like BOP!

Man 2: Oh yeah?

Man 1: Yeah, son, you should have seen them bitch's faces! Maaaaan, I put the pussy on the chain wax!!!


pussy on the chain wax

You have your girl whipped. If she wants sex, she has to go through you and possibly do a favor. She does anything you say and you happen to win every argument. Basically, if you can pull it off, you are God. If you abuse this power, you are an asshole douchebag cunt and deserve to die slowly and painfully to the point where no one can identify you.
Guy1: You'll never believe what I just did.
Guy2: What?
Guy1: Now if she wants to go out, she has to ask me first.
Guy2: You're a dick.




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