

俚语 pussy dragon

that's the pussy dragon

When someone acts like a little pussy bitch because they're incapable of mature decision making
Please dont act that way Beelzebub, that's the pussy dragon in you.

seed of the pussy dragon

the seed that corrupted humanity's pure God-Like Beauty and brought evil into the World
The pussy dragon sowet his seed on the earth and created evil in humanity. Evil acts come from the seed of the pussy dragon not from God. God is Love!

Dragon Pussy

When a female receives vape up her vaginal cavity
Person 1: "Derek gave me a big dragon pussy yesterday."

Person 2: "congrats bitch!"

Dragon Pussy

Pussy so fiercly good, it makes you cry when you lose it
All her past boyfriends were sad they lost the mystical dragon pussy...

pussy dragon

Someone who slays pussy whilst being lit af
Jessica: Suck on my clit Jacob
Jacob: Of course Jess
Jessica: Ah Oh aH oH
Jessica: My pussy, im coming
Jacob: Pussy Gang, Pussy gang, pussy gang, pussy gang, pussy gang, spread my tongue through your veins, my tongue is so bangin!
Jessica: You are such a pussy dragon Jacob

Pussy dragon

A pussy so powerful that after sex the mans dick is on fire
Wow my dick is on fire. Thats pussy dragon for you it set things on fire.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:34:12