

俚语 pussy drippings

Pussy drippings

When a girl is so turned on, her pussy juices are making wet spots on her underwear/ pants.
Heather was so turned on after fingerfucking, I saw her pussy drippings on her sweat pants.

Pussy Drip

After a virgin loses one's virginity, the person has a shit load of sperm dripping from his/her pussy or anus.
James:"Hey Ron. Guess what... I fucked Tina yesterday and I left her with a huge pussy drip."
Rondel:"Damn!Really?! Me too! Except it wasn't Tina, It was Jeff.....Maybe I shouldn't of said that."
James:"Yeah...well...I can't be your friend anymore because you kinda freak me out now for some wierd reason. And I've joined the KKK."
Rondel:"But your Hispanic...."

post pussy drip

(noun) When semen drips out of one's vagina at least 12 hours after intercourse.
"Oh my god, I have post pussy drip coming down my leg, I have to go to the bathroom!"

"He cums so much that I had post pussy drip a whole day after we fucked (Thank you Rob....mmmmm...baby)."

*Feels something trickle out of her pussy* *smells* "Shit, I completely forgot that happened last night...."

Dripping pussy

A sopping wet vagina (snatch)
Before David realmed her she received a dripping pussy.

After David was finished, she had no choice but to deal with her dripping pussy.

While David masturbated she fingered her dripping pussy.




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