

俚语 pussy footin'

pussy footin

Procrasinating or taking your time doing something you were suppose to be rushing to do.
mookie if you dont stop pussy footin around and bring yo ass on !

pussy footin

to mess around, shenanagins
Beth, stop pussy footin around, we have work to do!

Pussy Footin'

1. To run or to do something half heartidly, or just realy girly.
Dylan: Dude, did you see London get tackled behind the line of scrimage?
Me: Ya man, he was totally pussy footin'!

pussy footin'

when somebody, usually old or handicapped people, is driving a car extremely slow. Even worse is when the vehicle being pussy footed is a sports car.
"I had to pass that fucker on the shoulder, he was totally pussy footin' it and i couldn't take it anymore!!!"

pussi footin

1.to stop playing or messing around. 2.bullshittin.
can you stop pussi footin around.




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