

俚语 pussy out

pussy out

To chicken out or back away from something or someone.
As from the movie "Reservoir Dogs":

"Don't pussy out on me now, they believe you, they believe every fucking word you're saying. And you know why? Because you're super cool."

pussy out

Relating to the word "Pusillanimous", it means to lack courage or resolution. When someone "pussies out" it means they have no backbone, or lack the courage to do something.

"Hey man, you should come chill with us later and take some ecstasy!"
"Sorry, but I don't want to lose an ice cream scoop of my brain cells, thank you very much."
"C'mon man, don't pussy out on me."

pussy out

To back out of everything like a little girl, especially fights.
Al Ventry likes to pussy out of fights.

Pussying Out

When someone is too scared to perform a simple task for no other reason than the fact that they have no balls.
Terrence: So is Adam going to ask out Kirsty?
James: Nah, he's pussying out.

pussied out

To leave a fight when called out.
Wow, that bitch just pussied out... LMFAO!!! Rekt

pussying out

A complete douche, with no balls, when called upon to do something against the rules.
Im leaving the highschool for lunch, wanna come? Isnt that against the rules? Stop pussying out and come faggot.

pussyed out

To back out of doing something, out of fear.
You told me you would let me fuck you, but you pussyed out. That's why I'm mad.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 2:38:03