

俚语 pussy queen

Pussy Queen

A girl who fucks dudes like its her fuckin job.
Damn, Haley is a Pussy Queen

Girlboss Pussy Queen

A girly that slays the day and lives by the motto gaslight gatekeep girlboss.
All girlboss pussy queens love getting big fat juicy scrumptious volumtuious girthy cocks.

Period pussy queen

Used as an alternative for Ok or Alright Period pussy queen describes the fast pace of life making its term lively and fun to say often used as PPQ or ppq for abbreviated slang
“Hey sluts guess what just happend”- x
“I was just gangbanged by some black homies on the corner of 6th and 3rd by melrosè deli”- x
“Oh period pussy queen”-Sluts

queens pussy

commonly used in south africa after smoking a joint , the roach or filter at the end which has collected the resin from the weed , usualy crushed up and smoked in a pipe!
the queens pussy got me fucked last night

girl queen pussy boss

is built different and makes any male go on their knees. They rule the world by breathing and thats on period.
i feel so submissive with this girl queen pussy boss.

slay queen pussy pop

The Ultimate compliment meaning your such a slay queen that you make my pussy pop
My dasher Ashley is such a slay queen pussy pop.

Omg that’s so slay queen pussy pop

girl queen pussy boss

to say something is slayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
"holy shit girl queen pussy boss! you look good tdyyyyyy!!!1




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