

俚语 pussy rainbow

Pussy rainbow

When you insert skittles into a girls pussy and she pushes them in your mouth
Michele shot her pussy rainbow 10 feet into my mouth

Pussy rainbow party

Where the women that go to it have dyed there pussy hair different colors like green,blue,purple ect. and get naked and sometimes put glitter on there bodies and take ecstasy ect. and have sex with all the guys there aqnd sometimes with each other.
Lets have a pussy rainbow party.

Rainbow Pussy

When you put skittles/M&M's inside a girls pussy and the juices come out rainbow colored
Rainbow pussy is deleicious

Rainbow pussy

A pussy who's hair has been died all the colors of the rainbow,red,blue,green,purple ect.
Kathy has a rainbow pussy.

rainbow pussy

When her pussy tastes like skittles!
Last night I tasted some rainbow pussy and it was delicious!

Rainbow Pussy

When you think a Ginger's carpets will match their drapes, but it turns out their pubes are all rainbow colored
I was going down t ginger town, but I ended up finding t end of t rainbow pussy




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