

俚语 pussyslap

Pussy Slap

Slapping a chick’s pussy with you dick or hand before fucking it
Chicks beg for the Pussy Slap!

Pussy Slap

When one slaps another's pussy unexpectedly.
Today at school emmy pussy slapped me and it hurts my vag so bad.

Pussy Slap

When you suddenly go up to a girl and slap her vagina.
Bro. I just pussy slapped Ashley and she jumped and ran to her friends. She and her friends stair at me in the hallway now. She totally likes me.

Pussy Slap

A slap with the clit of the pussy...*must have a phat pussy to preform*
Much stronger than the males cock slap..

can knock a man into line..tounge right into gspot.
my man cheated a pussy slapped him n he never looked at another bitch again

Pussy slap

The act of ones partner, preferably the one with a penis, slightly slaping the females pussy or vagina
Boy: A yo girl imma pussy slap you
Girl: Not to hard daddy, or hell to the fuck no I'm on my period

pussy slap

When a girl hits another girl in the vagina
I just pussy slapped your bitch 😂

pussy slap

The debut hit single for the soon to be leaders on the world stage, Betsys Bread. This song was written by three most committed band members and performed and recorded at our studio in Kingsford/Maroubra. The clip to this can be seen on youtube, just search Betsy's Bread.
ahh we're gonna play pussy slap, so how do u finger that?...Saturday, Slapping the pussy, Sunday, Fucking the Pussy...




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:15:48