

俚语 pussy's pussy

Pussy's Pussy

Way to explain that pussy (i.e.: female vagina, genitals) is the same regardless how good looking the person is, a good looking chick does not have a better vagina just because she is good looking.
I banged that chick last night, she not the best looking chick but pussy's pussy.

pussy pussy thot

A person who finds that need to talk shit behind your back or in generally is a total pussy who is trying to cause a conflict.
Girl: "bitch I'll get you""


pussy pussy thot bitch

Words used by idiots
Alana:pussy pussy thot bitch
Tristan:what the fuck is wrong with you

pussy is pussy

50 n snoop dog say that in bars...that means it doesnt matter u fuckin a cute faced bitch or ugly one...just fuck .....pussy is pussy it doesnt make diffrance
i just fuck em bitches ..pussy is pussy

Pussy on Pussy

The best kind of porn there is!

No men are involved it is just pussy on pussy action.
Guy 1: Hey what kind of porn do you like the most?

Guy 2: Pussy on Pussy

Guy 1: What kind is that?

Guy 2: The best kind out there!

Pussy Pussy Dumb Dumb

One who is not gifted in the ways of the pussy. Mostly a term attributed to men who do and say stupid things to girls without understanding the repercussions.
"Can you believe he said 'poop poop I love you' to that girl? He's pussy pussy dumb dumb."

pussy to pussy

when two cats get in a disagreement over the semi skimmed milk
"lets have it out, pussy to pussy, the milk is mine"




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:06:02