

俚语 pussy whiting

white pussy

the best pussy ever
hey me want some white pussy

White pussy

It smells bad and it's rated E for everyone
People say black pussy stinks but everyone is fine with tuna white pussy

White pussy

Sometimes it smells like tuna and yet everyone is fine with that
Friend: What's that smell?

Me: It's white pussy


Worst PUSSY, it is dry and taste like old coffee and pescado
white PUSSY is the worst

White pussy

Not the best pussy ever
It can smell like tuna
White pussy? Why does it smell like tuna?

white pussy

what you wont get because your looking it up on urban dictionary and jerking off
Guy 1: MAN! I'm so TURNED ON by looking up white pussy on urban dictionary
Guy 2: Yeah great no one cares

Pussy Ass White Boy

a white boi who talks shit but cant back it.
mike who hits girls cuz he cant hold his own to a guy.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:28:01