

俚语 pussy willow

pussy willow

A fucking plant.

Not a dick, not a homosexual; a fucking plant.
"What's that plant called?"

"A pussy willow."

pussy willow

a plant that grows beside the raod
wow isnt that pussy willow big

pussy willow

1: a really douche of a person

2: white tufts of hair coming out of old peoples ears
1: jimmy was being a real pussy willow today.

2: ah dude, look at the pussy willows coming out of your grandpas ears!

pussy willow

someone who is the group bitch and does whatever anyone tells them to do, like pussy only much worse
that guy is such a damn pussy willow

pussy willow

A man who acts as though he has no balls, therefore only a limp, willowing penis is left amongst the flowing pubic hairs. This explains his feminine nature despite the outer appearance of the man body.
My roommate has no balls, so he acts as though he has a pussy willow.

pussy willow

A name you can give to someone that you hate.
Shut the eff up, pussy willow!

Pussy Willows

A terrible word, as seen in Family Guy
"Chris, that's a terrible word--pussy willows"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:56:53