

俚语 put it through

put it through

Term used when putting your index finger and thumb together to form a circular-shaped hole and then asking your partner, friend, roommate, stranger, or family member (for those in Arkansas) to put their finger(s) through...

The gesture symbolizes unity between two people by 'connecting' them in a common sexual-innuendo.
Jonathan: *makes circular hole with hands* "put it through brah?"
Alec: *inserts finger between hole, moving in and out slowly* "Anytime bro, anytime"

Jonathan: *creates circular hole by touching his index finger to the tip of his thumb* "Wassup Aash? PUT IT THROUGH?"
Aash: *pulls hands away completely* "No, I won't do that, you're my brother for gods sake!"

put her through the headboard

when you are hitting it soo hard the girls head bangs the headboard
I put that broad right through my headboard last night

putting me through the Trump

when a person tells you obvious lies, and will cite very spurious sources to support their claims. Often brought by loose anecdotal evidence.
Don: "The sound from windmills causes cancer."
Bob: "Name one doctor who will corroborate that statement."
Don: "All the doctors will tell you the same thing. Everybody knows it."
Bob: "You're putting me through the Trump."
Don: "I heard of one librarian's mother whose hairdresser had a nephew who got cancer from a windmill. It's so true."

putting one through her

1. Sticking your dick in the girl's vagina.
2. Shooting a person, preferablly a woman, in the chest.
That girl is so hot that I think I'm going to be putting one through her in a couple minutes.

I put one through her for being an asshole.

I will put you through that fucking wall

A popular phrase used in 'F is for Family'.
**Frank:** I need you two to play nice, and don't get into any trouble. *(to Bill)* And I am putting you in charge of your sister today. You got that?

**Bill:** Yep.

**Frank:** Okay, if anything bad happens to her, I want you to call me at work. Okay, buddy?

**Bill:** Sure, dad.

**Frank:** Good. 'Cause then, I will come right home, and I will put you through that fucking wall.

put a hole through

when you slam your cock deep inside a girl.
"you put a hole through her?"

I have a pickaxe, and I’ll put it through your teeth!

One of the most powerful Technoblade quotes
“I have a pickaxe, and I’ll put it through your teeth!”
At this moment Quackity knew, he f*ked up




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