

俚语 6 feet

6 Feet

-the distance people stay away from each other during the Corona Virus outbreak in grocery stores

-the length of my dick.
"you should stay 6 feet away from him Jimmy"
"If you don't their imaginary cock might touch you and then we would have to get tested for Corona virus.
"OH NO not THAT!"

6 feet

the length of my dick :)
ron : 6 feet is pretty long
me : i know my dick is getting a bit TOO long dont ya think?

6 feet under

Another way to say you will be killed, 6 feet under is the depth of burying someone.
"Stop doing this or you will be 6 feet under!"

6 feet under

Another way of saying you are going to kill someone.
If you dont shut your mouth your gonna find yourself 6 feet under.

6 Feet of Fun

1) The trademark motto for Bubble Tape.
2)A term used to describe Chuck Norris' dick.
3)What douchebags call their three inch long excuse of a penis.
Douchebag 1:Hey man, you ready to go fuck those bitches down at the club?

Douchebag 2:Hellz yes! I brought my 5 dollar footlong!

Douchebag 1:Well I brought my 6 Feet Of Fun, let's do this!

Chuck Norris is currently in a legal battle against Bubble Tape for the trademark slogan 6 Feet Of Fun.

6 feet tall

A phrase meaning adult height as opposed to a child. Does not necessarily mean a person measures at least 72 but no more than 73 inches.
In the movie "Jack" they say Robin Williams is 6 feet tall even though he's actually 5'7".

6 feet under

Beating someone up so bad you put them underground, 6 feet to be exact.
You wanna fight me?
Naw boy I’ll put you 6 feet under.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:51:49