

俚语 bardigang's


The most jobless fandom in stan twitter. They are Nicki Minaj second fanbase, they are always under things related to her.
“Bardigang is obsessed with Nicki”


A pathetic “fanbase “ who is more obsessed with queen onika minaj than their actual floppy b.
Are usually whites.
the only argument bardigang has are the scammys 💀💀


Dumb btches obsessed with Nicki Minaj. Can't drop a bar, but will for sure bring up charts and Grammys to make up for it when it really doesn’t. Thinks their favs success is organic when in reality the only reason she’s even poppin is cuz she wishes he’ll on her grandmother.
Bardigang is so delusional! Nicki is the queen of rap.


Bardigang also known as Nicki Minaj’s second fanbase. Bardigang is very much obsessed with the rapper “Nicki Minaj”
Ewww that bardigang is so obsessed.


Basically the ugly , annoying , not loyal fanbase of Cardi B.
Everyone hates them and they think they are something but believe me they are not
Omg Are u A Ugly Fat Ass Bardi?
“I hate BardiGang” - Cardi B


The horrible fanbase of the talentless rapper Cardi B, they drag the queen of rap Nicki Minaj for not having a solo number one but use Cardi's grammy to show that Cardi is somehow a "better" rapper than Nicki, even though the grammy's have been exposed for being rigged many times. Cardi has also been exposed for using payola to get her songs high on the charts.
The BardiGang is so obsessed with Nicki Minaj and the barbz


Nicki Minaj's second fanbase. A lot of them are either former, rejected, or wannabe barbz and they hate to admit it. They are supposed to be Cardi B's fanbase, but a lot of them only support Cardi B to spite Nicki Minaj. A lot of bardigang are of the caucasian race but love to say the N-word. They are very music chart obsessed. They think that having a certain number of #1s on a chart, and a Grammy that was paid for, means you have talent. Also, despite being "fans" of Cardi B, they can never drop a Cardi bar went requested. You can find them under Nicki-related posts on social media, seething.
There goes BardiGang again, being racist towards another successful black female to uplift Cardi.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:40:03