You are so bored, and move vertically on our keyboard down and up from left to right.
I can't believe it. You've achieved yet another keyboard combination. Do you feel...
Perhaps a small release from what we call boredom?
It's clever really, deciding to alternate from the left and right sides, left going up, and right going down.
Perhaps a small release from what we call boredom?
It's clever really, deciding to alternate from the left and right sides, left going up, and right going down.
You've really gone insane.
Oh, well, at least qazlpwsxmkoedcnjirfvbhutgy is better than plzaqokmxswijncdeuhbvfrygt.
Oh, well, at least qazlpwsxmkoedcnjirfvbhutgy is better than plzaqokmxswijncdeuhbvfrygt.
ultimate friggin boredom
im so bored i searxhed qazlpwsxmkoedcnjirfvbhutgy on google