It's when you so bored.... when you've tried qpalzmwoskxneidjcnrufhvbtyg , qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm , plmoknijbuhvygctfxrdzeswaq , and more boredom words from Urban Dictionary. So you type on your key bored from up to down going left then right then they typing your way to the middle left then right. And doing that until you get to qpalzmwoeirutyskxndjfhgcbv.
Person 1: I'm so bored
Person 2: Try the qwerty
Person 1 : Tried that
Person 3: What about qpalzm?
Person 1: Also tried that
Person 4: I've had enough!, Just try qpalzmwoeirutyskxndjfhgcbv!
Person 2: Try the qwerty
Person 1 : Tried that
Person 3: What about qpalzm?
Person 1: Also tried that
Person 4: I've had enough!, Just try qpalzmwoeirutyskxndjfhgcbv!