

俚语 quab


Stands for “Questionable at Best”
Used when someone says something that doesn’t seem/sit right with you; when something is questionable. Can refer to a person’s actions or situations that happen.
“That kid is eating a peanut butter and pickle sandwich.” “Yo that’s QUAB…”


“Bro did you hear that Lucy is going on teen mom?” “Wtf that’s QUAB.”


A bad thing which is really not good
Such a quabe


Pronounced (Kwaaaahhb)

1) A quab is a term used to describe the situation where you walk into your room and find you uncle and an octopus under your sheets.
2) Quab is the term used when no other swear could even grasp the complexity of the situation or event.
YOu could be a quab, be a qaubber, be qaubbing, or just doing the act of qaub.
Nephew: Oh my god uncle frank?
Uncle: Oh hello billy, why dont you go out and play some baseball, huh sport?
Nephew: bu but but but....
Uncle: *Pushes out of room* Now run along now.

Boy: Wow Sally is such a Quabber for quabbing that guy
Boy 2: I know right.
boy: Hey sally your a Quab!


1) something you say when your pissed at someone

2) something you say when your in an awkward conversation

3) something you say to distract someone when running away
Ex 1
Person 1: I lost your car keys
Person 2: YOU QUAB.

Ex 2
Person 1: Hey sexy lady
Person 2: *panic* QUAB

Ex 3
Person 1: Give me your money!!!
Person 2: QUAB *runs away*


A combining of the phrase "questionable at best."
Yo the plot of that movie was quab dude.


Groping in a group of four
AKA Quadragroping
Josh, Julia, Amy and Shelle were doing some serious quabbing at the party last night


Quab is something "Worse than Abysmal", "Not Deserving Existence", Or " Somebody Lacking Intellegence".
1.) Goddamnit dude, Superman 64 is Quab!

2.) John flunked his SATS? Pfft, Quab.

3.) Dude, Billy's Quab.




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