Barely Productions
Formally known as "barelypolitical", Barely Productions is one of the most tastefully and creatively comedic current Youtube channels. Known for their Parody series entitled "The Key of Awesome". The channels most viewed video as of June, 2016, is a Key of Awesome Parody of Justin Bieber's "Sorry". In addition to The Key of Awesome, the channel is known for several other series such as "Barely Guys" "Barely Air" "Barely Ads" "The Key of Unplugged" "Youtube Complaints" and "Celebrity Siri Ads".
Deckstur: Hey, I just saw the most hysterical parody of "work" by Rihanna. It was funny, yet tasteful and didn't rely on sex jokes like most other parodies.
Grayss: I bet it was from "Barely Productions."
Grayss: I bet it was from "Barely Productions."