1. (v.) To insult another with tremendous prowess. 2. (v.) To inflict upon an enemy the highest possible damage in the Final Fantasy video game series. 3. (n.) The aforementioned highest possible damage, which is 9999 (thus, "quadranine").
JOHN (to Susan): Damn, girl, you look fizzine as a mizzuthafizzucka!
SUSAN (in response): Don't be thinkin' that you's gonna be gettin' none of dis shiyat, boy!
TYRELL (a bystander): Damn, you've just been QUADRANINED!!
SUSAN (in response): Don't be thinkin' that you's gonna be gettin' none of dis shiyat, boy!
TYRELL (a bystander): Damn, you've just been QUADRANINED!!
to ultimately insult someone.
dude you just got QUADRANINED, bitch.