

俚语 quantum racism

Quantum racism

Whenever a person of an unknown ethnicity says the "n-word" (either by audio, digital format or said by an ethnically ambiguous person) the offense is suspended in a quantum racist state. Due to Heisenbergs uncertainty principle (aka Dolezals uncertainty principle) the observers can not know for sure if they should be offended or not, as there is a possibility the person who said it is black and/or identifies as black. When the speakers ethnicity is revealed the quantum racist state collapses and the speaker can be labeled as racist or not.
Ex. In a digital chat-forum

Person X: "N-word!"
Observer1: "WHOA! Who said that?! That is NOT OK!"
Observer2: "But wait. We dont know Person X ethnicity? They might be black?"
Observer1: "Damn you are right. We are stuck in a state of Quantum Racism! I do not know how to react."
Observer2: "Hey Person X. What is your ethnicity?"
Person X: "Im black. STFU".




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:42:55