

俚语 queed


Literal definition: A female queer

contextual definition: Someone you dislike a lot who has the qualities of a complete asshole/douche bag, and often have an awkward appearance.

Usually your whole group of friends continually and openly bash this person because of their stupid decisions and ignorant sayings.

No one likes the queed.

Kyle is such a queed.he says the most stupidest shit all the time

Man, this teacher is such a queed for giving us 3 hours of homework

That kid Jacob is the biggest queed I've ever seen.


someone who sniffs their own (or other peoples') farts
dan:"BRRRRRHHAP!" *inhales deeply*

mike: "dude ur such a queed!!!!"


A derogatory name for a Hispanic person; to call a Hispanic person gay
Wow.. Enrique is such a queed!


A person that does/has the characteristics of the following:

1) They act so queer its irritating to all 5 senses.
2) They have a really gay mustache.
3) They smell like they shat themselves while they were sleeping and didn't get up to change.


Queed Sack - Having multiple queeds living in the same residence, or having a bunch of queeds for friends.

Queed Nut - A stupid queed.

NOTE: You can also apply many other un-named meanings; such as queed breath, queed teeth, or queed knome; for use as insults.

Yo man, Andy is such a queed!

Stop this queedish behaviour!

Enough of this childish queed-baggery!

Stop acting like a queed!


queer on weed- queer+weed-the 'r'-the w= queed.
"hey man that is so spiffy but foget about her lets get high and have sex!"


A penis, or dick.

Can also be a queed suck.
Samantha gives good queed sucks.


To drink alcohol and do drugs at same time.
“Hey bro, I want to queed rn.”
“Aight, let’s do it.”




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