

俚语 queery


1. The official inquery pertaining to the sexuality of an individual. Usually, "Are you gay?"

2. A stupid question, derived from the insult of questioning one's sexual preference.
1. "I gave Derek the queery the other day; we were right. He's gay."

2. "What a stupid question; a queery if I've ever heard one."


The process of investigating the sexual orientation of a friend/colleague who seems to be gay.
Peter:Have you noticed that John is really into George Michael?
Jack:I don't know why you're queerying him,he came out months ago.


Questions from Straight people about what it's like to be Gay.
So my Mom ran me through a bunch of Queeries last night after I told her I was a Lesbian.


This natural phenomenon is when someone who is blatantly gay and entirely too cheerful... queer + cheery = Queery.
Wow, that gay guy is entirely too happy at 6am

Yea, he is very queery.

queery deery

Ellis Derry has a little chode and he sucks dick
A4e u Queery deery smoking pipes

Eerie Queerie

A recent addition to the growing Shounen Ai manga selection. Origonally GHOST in Japan. About a boy who is possessed by Ghosts and often forced to confess his(their) love to other men.
Eerie Queerie is like my bible

William Queery

A fancy Queer who works at EPHenry
“Look at that William Queery over there.”




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