Sick from fear. How one feels before doing something frightening.
Steve was going to fight Austin. But then he got quibbly and shit his pants. See also scared or pussified
Quibbling is lying or avoiding the truth by trying to avoid the issue or dancing around the question by pretening not to understand it or arguing over semantics.
Okay Abe, did you chop down that cherry tree or not? Um, which tree? Could you define the word "chop"? You know what I'm asking, now stop quibbling and answer the question.
Unfair and plain evasion of the truth by use of ambiguous terms.
He quibbled along and eventually enraged the inquirers.
like a quife, but a dick fart instead of at pussy fat
I was fuckin this gurl reall hard right and then she quifed! Its okay though cause i quibbled right after...
When one pouts and their bottom lip quivers. See also wibble.
I quibble when my boyfriend doesn't do what I want him to.
The small leftover pieces of food at the bottom of a bowl, cup, or dish of food
“Hey little Jimmy,” his dad said, “make sure you finish up the quibblies at the bottom of your French Fries before you go.”
john: quibble is my religion
max: sghut the fuck up
max: sghut the fuck up