Qumble is a word for when yours beans arent organized like they should. you're a simple civilin you want them stakced in rows but beans dont work like that.. they slide and slip and saunter and you just wish beans were different. but maybe its time to accept that beans have a mind of their own. so you qumble, and it's fine. the relaities of this world are unprecedented but perhaps this a reminder that beans should be left alone as they are. god i wish i was a bean. if you were small and werent human and didnt have to do dumb shit like buy $10 scratchy toilet paper from target, would u be a bean? i would i really think i would. i would sit in people's stomachs and broil and bubble and make them fart. and u know what? that would be enough fo rme. i'm tired of this earth, let me qumble, let me be a bean. im just crying about beans and you're not even gonna accept this definition into your esteemed vocabulary but thats okay, thats ur pregorgative. i just wish u have some good beans in the future, and that ur farts smell applicable to life of the beans. good day, bless bean.
if if qumble, then i qumble. huzzahs.