

俚语 barking up

Barking up

To run one's mouth loudly about nothing. Very similar to talking shit or bullshitting. Could be used playfully or aggressively.
Don't worry about Johnny , he just likes barking up.

I thought those two were going to fight. Just a lot of barking up.

Bark up

To spark up a fag or spliff
Ayy bark up that spliff

barking up the wrong tree

Picking the wrong person, the most unlikely person, to do, listen, or accept something.
You're barking up the wrong tree if you think I want to become religious and go to church.

Barking Up The Wrong Tree

(Verse 1)
Yo, listen up, let me tell you a story,
'Bout a company called Bark, claimin' they got glory,
Parental control's their game and what they sell,
But I gotta speak out 'cause there's some stories to tell.

Bark, bark, barking up the wrong tree,
Thinkin' you can control my family.
But your algorithms ain't foolproof or tight,
It's time to shine the spotlight on your oversight.

(Verse 2)
You say you protect kids from online threats and more,
Monitoring their messages down to the core.
But privacy concerns arise with every scan,
Invading our lives like an unwanted man.

We all want safety for our children online,
But trust should be earned, not just a thin line.
Bark may mean well in its noble quest,
Yet it's crucial to question how far we invest.

Bark, bark, barking up the wrong tree,
Thinkin' you can control my family.
But your algorithms ain't foolproof or tight,
It's time to shine the spotlight on your oversight.

(Verse 3)
Let kids grow and learn without constant surveillance
Teach them responsible use through guidance and patience
Respecting privacy is key in this digital age
So let's find better solutions that truly engage


Bark may have good intentions at heart
But let’s rethink monitoring from the start
Empower families with knowledge instead of fear
That’s how we'll create an atmosphere sincere.
"Barking Up The Wrong Tree" is an AI-generated soon-to-be meme song.

Barking up a snatch trail

When a male is intrigued by a female (snatch) and then continues to woo her until he fails or succeeds.
Person one; Hey dude you "Barking up a snatch trail" yet?

Person two; Yeah bro, that fine blonde from that get together at the creek.

barking up a tree

Starting shit with someone
Don’t go barking up a tree just to piss someone off.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:54:49