

俚语 qwacked


qwacked is a person who is funny and has good humour a qwacked also know alot of stuff he shouldnt know for a person that is his age and is also very loud and likes to scream and shout and give away money and you can only be a qwacked when you are a young squeaker
wow that new guy is such a qwacked


Alternative spelling of the word Quack.
Qwack qwack said the duck.


Qwack is all about coolness if someone would say qwack they are cool or if you are a qwack you are cool
You are such a qwack

qwack qwack in da back

To have rough anal sex in a persons booty
Dave wanted to qwack qwack in da back but Paris said no.

plady qwack

The sound that a plady pus can make.
"me and my best friend saw a plady pus plady qwack at the zoo".




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