When a woman qweefs and you hear the pussy flapping and it smells so bad it makes your eyes water
"Bro someone farted in the living room but it wasn't a regular fart cause you could hear the pussy flapping."
"So someone qweefed?"
"No it was worse than a qweef."
"It's a qwarrrt!"
"So someone qweefed?"
"No it was worse than a qweef."
"It's a qwarrrt!"
When a woman qweefs and you hear the pussy flapping and it smells so bad it makes your eyes water
"Bro somebody farted in the living room but it sounded like a pussy flap and it was so bad it made my eyes water."
"So a bitch qweefed?"
"No bro it was like a qweef but like 10 times worse."
"It's a qwarrrt!"
"So a bitch qweefed?"
"No bro it was like a qweef but like 10 times worse."
"It's a qwarrrt!"