

俚语 barock


A guy who can enjoy a nice set of tits, but prefers a great ass. Big boobs, small ass < Small tits, big ass
"That guy is such a barock"


A man who is extremely funny In a wierdest way.
That man is so barocky, I can't help it but lough seeing him.


To suffer from either the intended or unintended consequences of policy decisions made by Barack Obama.
Employee A: "Did you see that the DOW has fallen 2500 points since Obama was elected?"
Employee B: "Unfortunately, yes. My 401(k) has officially been Barocked."


Tim: "My uncle lost his job from the coal power plant when it bankrupted due to Obama's energy policy."
Joe: "Oh, your uncle just got Barocked!"


Angela: "When I got that concussion from my car accident, I tried to find a doctor in the area, but all the hospitals were closed. I had to drive 300 miles across the state border to find a doctor who would take my government insurance."
Terry: "Oh my gosh, I got Barocked just like that last week! I wish the doctors would move back into our state and start taking our insurance, but that'll happen only when healthcare gets less socialized I guess."

Barock Obama

The notorious ship between the 44th president of the United States, Barackoli Obama, and Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson. Fans went wild over the sexual tension of these two, and the trend of believing they were a couple rose, and has not simmered down since.
*every 14 year old girls‘ sleepover*

Linda: “okay Suzie, who’s your otp?”
Meredith: “Don‘t. Fucking. Say. It.”
Suzie: “Why, Barock Obama, of course.”
Linda: “Now that’s hot.”

Barock Snowbama

A more recent slur for cocaine, used more commonly among Obama supporters. The name refers to both crack and powder cocaine, so it can be a vague and confusing term. Abbreviated to Snowbama to refer more specifically to powder.
Guy 1: Yo let's do push ups!

Guy 2: Why you so hyper hummi?

Guy 1: I just snorted some Barock Snowbama up in dis peace!

Barock Obama

a no good hack that only ran for president because he new he would win due to the fact that he is black and democrat. if you voted for him you have been a major tool. have a fun 4 years.
Mike: hey ted, you hear about Barock Obama's new health care reform.

Ted: no, what about it.

Mike: well if we re-elect obama, we should see results by the end of his second term.

Ted: yayyyy.

Barock Star

A play on words of a "rock star" and Barack Obama.
Man, that new president is going to be such a Barock Star.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 2:51:16