

俚语 rapturian


(noun) 1. The socio-political movement based upon a broken or incomplete understanding of the death cult portion of the mythology embodied in Christian lore typically marked by the public display of overtly fascist, hate-mongering cloaked in pseudo-Christian terminology or imagery and the display of behaviors or communication of concepts diametrically opposed the central tenants of Christian beliefs but concealed in preposterously pious core Christianity. 2. A practitioner of Rapturian principles and practices
Most Rapturians, like Senators Tom Coburn and Sam Brownback, invoke the name of their deity during their arguments designed to deny the American people access to healthcare.


(adjective) 1. Of, related to or pertaining to socio-political movement based upon a broken or incomplete understanding of the death cult portion of the mythology embodied in Christian lore. 2. Of, related to or pertaining to the public display of overtly fascist, hate-mongering cloaked in pseudo-Christian terminology of imagery 3. Of, related to or pertaining to the display of behaviors or communication of concepts diametrically opposed the central tenants of Christian beliefs but concealed in preposterously pious core Christianity.
The Rapturian Right desires the conflagration of endless war to cleanse the world of unbelievers.




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更新时间:2024/12/23 3:01:36