raspberry ripple
Rhyming slang for cripple, often shortened to raspberries.
Careful on the dance floor, they've let all the raspberries in tonight.
raspberry ripple
It Slang for a fucking cripple
Would you do a raspberry ripple up the council gritter?
raspberry ripple
A cream pie whilst a woman is menstruating
"After I pulled out, the cum and blood on her beaver looked like raspberry ripple ice cream"
raspberry ripple
come in a chicks face.... then crack her one in the nose!
Gave than slag a good ripple last night...yeah!
raspberry ripple
cockney rhyming slang for nipple
can i hav a suck of ya raspberry ripple luv?
raspberry ripple
a raspberry ripple is when "muffin top" is not adequate. it refers to the rolls of fat in between a woman's bra and trousers, particularly when emphasised with a tight top.
look at that girl's raspberry ripple!!
raspberry ripples
Cockney ryming slang for "nipples"
"Bloody hell look at her raspberry ripples!"