

俚语 rat face


An ugly chick, most commonly with a ratlike nose/other features.
Holly is such a ratface, that nose of hers is soooo annoying!


1. A derogatory nickname used to describe someone who is utterly disgusting in appearance.

2. A combination of a person whose facial features closely resemble that of vermin, and whose skeletons are visible through their skin due to extensive drug abuse.

3. A trailer whore.
"Stupid-ass Randy fucked Ratface without a rubber, and crabs are in season."


Generally, it is a person who ressembles a ratty homeless person but who in fact in fairly well off.
Though Gail was a good teacher many people mistook her for homeless and poor because she was a ratface


the face made upon realizing that someone has sneaked into your pantry and eaten your food, or otherwise displeased you greatly
I saw her with my pizza and a little bit of my ratface slipped out

I made a ratface when they poured snow down my back


Princess, Ratface, Mongoloid... Andrew R.
Andrew was a ratface bastard. (correction) Andrew is a ratface bastard... ach.


an person lacking in intellgence. this word is commonly used when youare being depreived of somehting by another person, at which point you call them a ratface.
you ratface!!!


often used when you are desciribing a boy called Alan from kurdistan that goes ina schoo in sweden who has the biggest ass a boy could have and his face looks like a rat.
have u seen ratface lately nah i think he went doign his stpid thangs




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