Ratio Day
This event called "Ratio Day" is a holiday for a sub-species of humanity called "Twitter Users" where they argue with everyone they see with the word "Ratio". It is nonsensical for a normal human being to comprehend this event, and you should not because this event is only for the "Twitter Users". It is said you need to have a twitter account in the website "Twitter" to join this holiday. This event will take place every August 2, which is probably tomorrow in your time.
Ratio Day: lol noob ratio lolllll wdfff so cringe
international ratio day
on this day you ratio as many people as you can whether it be on twitter or roblox chat
on this day you ratio as many people as you can whether it be on twitter or roblox chat
"i disagree with your opinion." "ratio"
"it's international ratio day!" "ratio"
"it's international ratio day!" "ratio"
Dick to day ratio
The ratio of dicks per day inside a certain girl over a certain period of time. A ratio other than 1:1 is considered unfavorable.
That girl's dick to day ratio was like 3:1 last weekend. So unfavorable man.
She had 5 guys in her at the party on Saturday, that's a 5:1 dick to day ratio.
She had 5 guys in her at the party on Saturday, that's a 5:1 dick to day ratio.
lay-to-day ratio
Measure of how often you get laid, the lay to day ratio is an average measure of how often you get laid. The formula is simply times laid/number of days. The threshold for being a pimp/slut is not clearly defined.
If you get laid every 5 days, your lay-to-day ratio is 1/5 = .2, if you get laid 13 times a year it is 13/365.
Usage: Man, my lay-to-day sucks right now!!
Usage: Man, my lay-to-day sucks right now!!