

俚语 bar up

bar up

a swelling of the jolly todger
Jane and Frank often walked home from school holding hands, until one day Jane noticed that Frank was barring up.

bar up

Drinking on a weeknight as if it's the weekend.

Origins come from the BarUp app, which was originally launched in Boston because it was too damn hard to find a poppin spot during the week.
Jimmy's 21st is on a Tuesday. Looks like we'll have to bar up.

bar up

When you repeatedly hit someone in the head with a crow bar for participating in an act your did not personally like
My aunt got me some fucking clothes for my birthday for i had to bar up a bitch

Barred up

Having taken one or more xanax bar(s), causing a drug fluid conniption. Usually turning the user into a zombie.
Ronny was barred up and dead-eyed.

Barred Up

Talk smack, or verbally pwning someone.
I saw a guy get barred up today because the glare of his bald head shined brightly into someone's eyes.

Barred up

To do something really good
Man, I really just barred up this joint
Ye, that shit is rolled perfectly.

Hey mom, I just barred up my math test!
Wow that's great honey!

barred up

Getting prickly and angry about a certain subject.
Clinton barred up when Ben insulated his football team.




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