

俚语 raw boning

Raw Boning

Having sexual intercourse without a condom.
I was Raw Boning this one chick while she was scratching her itch.

raw boned

When engaging in anal sex the condom gets pulled off by the ass hole and gets pushed up into the rectum
Man I just got raw boned last night I took a shit and the condom fell out

Raw Bone

A bone that is not cooked yet is often used to describe something very thin.
After the surgery, he lost his appetite and as a result, he lost a lot of weight. Poor man, he is as skinny as a raw bone.

Raw Boning

having little flesh, especially on a large-boned frame; gaunt.

slim down to be more fit
Wow, Jon lost about 80 lbs.

He is raw boning, which is good for his health




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