

俚语 rax


Rax is another word for steal/take it is commonly used in NZ.
Bro is just raxed a bottle of Smirnoff from my uncle!


to steal; borrow; mooch;
to take (from a friend)
"Can I rax one of those chips, dude?"


Shortcut for barracs, term is used in computer gaming.
I've build dual rax, for the win!


Rax (r-axe)

Rax is a slang word for the words bust, leave, grab, blowing your load, steal, pass, go to, get to, begin.

When you hear it in a sentance you need to listen carefully afterwards to see the context it was used in and apply the proper word.
Yo Smith Raxed in her face.

Yo let's rax some flower.

Did you see how fast Smith raxed after he saw Jodie rax in to the room. He should have raxed in her hair.

Ive gotta rax some work dude.... if i dont talk to you... have a sick drive to school - don't rax anything until i get there.


Simply means stole or stolen. Past tense of rax, to steal
person1:Where did u get that bike?
person2: I raxed it yesterday
person1: Oh, it was raxed.


Stolen property. Used most by New Zealand Hoodrats.
Guy 1; Where did you get that hat?
Guy 2; Raxxed it


To steal or rob something. Commonly used in New Zealand, more specifically Auckland.
'I raxed a mean as car this weekend!'
'Hahaha you got raxed!'

'Lets rax the store tonight aye?'




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