

俚语 rayyan


Rayyan is a very fun and outgoing guy. He has a smile that will brighten anyone's day and eye's that alway's have the girl's looking twice. He is a kind, sweet, trustworthy, cute, caring, smart, loving person that will alway's be there for you. But dont take his kindness and sweetness as a weakness, if you ever dare too touch his girl or anyone in his family, he would be the first guy too beat a fool up.

Rayyan has alot of female friends, but his girl alway's come before them. If you ever get the chance too be with a Rayyan, take it and never let him go. Cause if you do youll regret it for the rest of your life.
Girl: I met this amazing guy ughhh!! But I forgot his name
Friend: It’s probably Rayyan, they’re the best


Rich, Royalty, Intelligent, Wisdom, Genius, Successful

A nice, handsome, and good looking guy with a great sense of humor. He is very intelligent, possesses great wisdom, very wise, loves to learn new things, and an absolute genius. He is rich and loves living the royalty lifestyle. He is very successful in every aspect of life.
He is so rich, royal, intelligent, wise, so successful, and such a genius!
He is Rayyan


A smokin hawt guy. Has a broad chest (it is best to lean your head on his chest and hear his heartbeat while he mumbles what he wants (only if u date him)) and he worked hard on his body. Sharp jawline that could hurt my fingers, gorgeously tousled hair and on-fleek eyebrows. Changes girlfriend twice a year. Better keep him locked under your armpit until he gives in if he ever wants to change his girlfriend. A mama boy he is. Oh, and he could kill you only with his looks.
Babe, u look hot with this tux
Am i rayyan enough?


Rayyan is the most good looking and coolest guy you will ever meet. He always keeps up with the newest trends and learns a new word on urban dictionary every week. He is also unbelievably intelligent. Don’t ever get on his angry side though as he will batter you in.
He’s so peng and Rayyan


That is very Rayyan


A very weird person who thinks they are stupid but they are actually smart
Umm dude are you a rayyan


Is amazing af and is a great boyfriend
I wish Rayyan was my boyfriend




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:02:21