

俚语 re-burn


When people who are so desperate for a smoke that they go hunting for already used cigarettes and light them back up.
"Dude, I found 4 reburns today!"
"That's gross."


When a crack head scrapes his/her pipe clean with and burns the scrapings again in his/her pipe
Crack head - "Wow man that was a great reburn, I was almost drooling from it"


when you take a cigarette out of an ashtray and smoke whats left of it while listining to Reburn and the Skidmarks
lets smoke that reburn and bump the skidmarks


When smoke a segment of a cigarette then put it out and save it for later.
Man, this is my last cigarette, I think I'm gonna reburn it so I have some nicotine later.


1:when a bong containg cannabis is pulled but all the ganja doesn't burn, when you reburn the rest of the cannabis this process is known as a reburn

2.Micheal Burnell
There's definatley a reburn on that

Reburn Run

going around town looking for remains of cigs to smoke
Yo dawg wanna go on a reburn run?

Point of no reburn

When one becomes tan enough that they don't seem to get sunburn anymore. Often refuse to wear sunscreen due to this.
Kelsey: "Did you get sunburn from yesterday's pool party?"
Gabby: "No, not at all."
Kelsey: "Lucky...I'm burned everywhere."
Gabby: "Well, I think I pretty much hit my point of no reburn after so much lifeguarding."




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