Recreational Vesseltopia
The Natural and Logical solution to the Ban on "Floatopia"
Attaching red plastic spoons to the sides of a float to make it designed to be propelled by oars A Vessel = New and improved "Vesseltopia"
FROM: City Attorney
SUBJECT: Item 151 for July 26, 2010 City Council Agenda: Corrected Emergency
Ordinance (0-2011-7-a)
(h) Notwithstanding any other provision of section 56.54 and its appendices,
and except as provided in section 56.54(g), it is unlawful for any bather to
consume any alcoholic beverage within one marine league of any beach.
However. subsection (h) shall not be construed to regulate the
consumption of alcoholic beverages on any vessel.
California Harbors and Navigation Code Section 651.1
As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requiresa different meaning, "bather" or "bathing" means a person floating,swimming, wading, or bodysurfing, with or without the use of aflotation device, including, but not limited to, floating upon orwith the aid of a surfboard, pcupsaddle board, surfmat, innertube, life preserver, or air mattress,
except a flotation device which is designed to be propelled by sail, mechanical means, power, oars, or paddle.
California Harbors and Navigation Code Section 651
(t) "Recreational vessel" means a vessel that is being used only for pleasure.
Attaching red plastic spoons to the sides of a float to make it designed to be propelled by oars A Vessel = New and improved "Vesseltopia"
FROM: City Attorney
SUBJECT: Item 151 for July 26, 2010 City Council Agenda: Corrected Emergency
Ordinance (0-2011-7-a)
(h) Notwithstanding any other provision of section 56.54 and its appendices,
and except as provided in section 56.54(g), it is unlawful for any bather to
consume any alcoholic beverage within one marine league of any beach.
However. subsection (h) shall not be construed to regulate the
consumption of alcoholic beverages on any vessel.
California Harbors and Navigation Code Section 651.1
As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requiresa different meaning, "bather" or "bathing" means a person floating,swimming, wading, or bodysurfing, with or without the use of aflotation device, including, but not limited to, floating upon orwith the aid of a surfboard, pcupsaddle board, surfmat, innertube, life preserver, or air mattress,
except a flotation device which is designed to be propelled by sail, mechanical means, power, oars, or paddle.
California Harbors and Navigation Code Section 651
(t) "Recreational vessel" means a vessel that is being used only for pleasure.
Dude the Cops look really pissed now that everyone turned their floats into "Recreational Vessels" with the plastic spoons for oars
Hay Now not everyone, Guy over there has an Umbrella for a sail
I feel so much better in a Vessel than I ever did Wading
I hear the city council is trying to come up with a patch for the Vessel Loop-Hole
What did you expect for them to patch the Pot-Holes "LAUGHTER"
Dude hand me another Beer
soon as I finish pissin :-O
RIP Floatopia
You can't Stop Stupid - Long Live "Recreational Vesseltopia" - CHEERS
Hay Now not everyone, Guy over there has an Umbrella for a sail
I feel so much better in a Vessel than I ever did Wading
I hear the city council is trying to come up with a patch for the Vessel Loop-Hole
What did you expect for them to patch the Pot-Holes "LAUGHTER"
Dude hand me another Beer
soon as I finish pissin :-O
RIP Floatopia
You can't Stop Stupid - Long Live "Recreational Vesseltopia" - CHEERS